All Mats Taken New Episode: Build Your First Yoga Course

Hi Reader,

I'm admittedly a big nerd. I love learning. I'm pretty much perpetually in some kind of course. I currently have a herbalism course I'm slowly working through as well as my podcast course and I have a designer business growth one I dip in and out of too.

Honestly, I don't want to add up how much I've spent on online courses. It’s thousands.

Can you relate? Or are you more a scrappy DIY’r?

I used to be all about free content, and I still am, but well-done courses can save you so much time.

Emphasis on well-done.

I've also wasted thousands of dollars on online courses.

There was one I purchased last year that I really stretched my budget. Something was hesitating and I should have listened. It was a business website design course that promised to teach you how to scale your business. But the part that caught my eye was the strategy around designing websites that convert it claimed to teach.

I really couldn't afford this course but convinced it was an investment I went with it. My heart sunk the moment I opened it and went over the strategy part.

It had very little substance and just covered a few basic tips, most of which were in the free intro workshop. They were good tips, but for the price, I was expecting to dive a lot deeper than what was there.

I asked questions about more strategies and they were like nope that's it. This course had no money-back guarantee. It was heartbreaking if I'm honest. It wasn't the investment I was hoping I had made.

Have you ever had a disappointing course experience?

It wasn't that the creator was trying to scam me. They're a lovely person and I did my homework for reviews.

But after talking with Rachel Scott in today's episode I can see why it was a disappointment for me. It was that they hadn't met the goals they set out to teach in this section, and for me, this section was a key area I wanted to focus on.

They also set the course as live so you only had so long to access it and honestly, the pace was too much to be able to keep up with. They had too much information in a short period of time and if you didn't keep up, you lost it.

It wasn't the live aspect that was the problem, this can be super valuable to keep people moving through, it was the pace and volume of information and homework that was expected of you every month.

In today's episode, we're going to cover some critical aspects of creating a course people actually finish and leave with the knowledge you set out to share with them. Because ultimately, creating a course that people leave feeling like they got their money’s worth is going to get you more reviews, referrals, and ultimately more sales!

We’ll be covering things like:

  • How to choose your course topic
  • The essentials to planning your courses
  • 101 of making an engaging course people complete
  • Course pricing strategies
  • Marketing tips

And more!

I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with Rachel a few times now as she was a key speaker at this year's summit. As well as being an absolute wealth of knowledge Rachel is so much fun!

Download on Apple Podcasts 🎙

Download on Spotify 🎙

I'd love to know if creating a course is on your to-do list? If, yes, what would your course be about?

Or maybe you already have one? Send me the link!

All the best,


Hi! I'm a Showit Website Designer & Host of The All Mats Taken Podcast for Yoga Teachers

I’m Adrianne, a web designer in NZ with way too many yoga mats, loads of strategy and a whole lot of heart. I began Jerrett Digital Website Design & The All Mats Taken Podcast because I saw so many yoga teachers and wellness brands leaving money on the table. Their brands and websites looked good, but had no strategy, no intuitive user experience, and no obvious pathway to conversion. In my newsletter, podcast and through online events I help teach yoga teachers and wellness professionals grow their online presence and build their businesses with strategy and heart their way.

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